Much much much more important than that though is ... well, two things really ... no, three ...
Number One: I have to brag about my Nevi ... since starting school back when she was 4 she has had terrible mornings. She had a hard time waking up and then it was nothing but a monsterous struggle to get her dressed and out the door. Over the course of the last 3 years, we learned about her SPD (Sensory Processing Disorder) which was a huge contributor to the struggles. With occupational therapy, things improved but we were still ALWAYS late. *sigh* Well, the first day back to school after the long Easter weekend, we were in the car, driving to school, late AGAIN and I say to Nevi, "You know who has control over getting you to school on time or not, don't you?" She immediately argues with me about it (as is her habit learned from her father), but I insist that only SHE can get out of bed, get dressed, and out the door on time. I assure her that I am doing my part by providing an alarm, a regular nighttime routine so she gets enough sleep, clean clothes to wear that are laid out for her daily, breakfast to eat, hair brushed, lunch made, etc. By then we are at school and the conversation ends. However, the very next morning Nevi was up, dressed, fed, and out the door to school ... early?!? For the first time in the history of the history Nevi was the FIRST ONE TO CLASS. I was SO SO SO proud of her and certainly made a big deal out of it but inside I warned myself that it was probably just a one time thing ... but, miraculously, it has continued! She likes being first to class. Whatever the magic was I am thankful thankful thankful and so proud of my Nevi girl! May this be the END to our late mornings ...
Number Two: My little Lily Beth is going to be TWO on Sunday - which is also Earth Day - TWO?!? How in the heck did that happen?!? I know - all parents say that but still. May I just say that I think that she is the smartest, sweetest, cutest, most impish two-year old that I know. I LOVES HER! Will post a picture of her Butterfly cake next week.
Number Three: The 8 page essay that was haunting my every waking hour and causing me no end of panic attacks, was finally finished and turned in. This is a seriously huge deal because there were days when I literally could not complete more that two coherent sentences at a time. There is a noticeable dent in my desk where I repeatedly beat my head against it - just kidding - sorta ... now there is just this "little" research paper to finish, two tests (one of which is next week), and a 12 page essay that, thankfully, doesn't have to be science based. For the first time in 22 years I can finally say ... I am going to make it. This degree that I have fought, cried, and shed blood for will finally be MINE! All MINE!!! Wheeeeee!!!!
This summer is going to be AWESOME ... next up ... my BFF and why she RULES!