L O V E ~ L I F E
P E A C E ~ P A S S I O N
From my earliest memory I remember asking myself, "Why do people do what they do? Why do they act the way that they do?" It is no wonder that my college degree is in psychology. So that definitely counts as my first passion in life.
My second passion arose from the answer I received to first question. It wasn't the answer itself but who the answer was coming from. At age three I knew who Jesus was. I knew He was the reason we celebrated Christmas and that He was a Carpenter and that He loved all the little children. I had been shooed out of the preschool classroom by my Mom who was working on a project with the other kids. There was a man there also who had a beard and a mustache which scared me and since my Mom couldn't hold me I left and went into the courtyard outside. The playground equipment was deserted and the weather was cloudy and gray. I went to see what my older sister was doing in the classroom catercorner from where my Mom was. I could see her as I looked into the window to her classroom. There she was, playing confidently and happily on the floor. I remember staring at her in hopes that she would see me and open the door to let me in but after what seemed an eternity to my little three year old mind I gave up. She didn't need our Mom to hold her all the time like I did. Why was that? At that moment, my eyes happened on one of the outside toys. It was a large wooden tool box and inside were pieces of wood. There was a hammer there too and some nails already partially nailed into a couple of pieces of wood. My thought was, if it was good enough for Jesus then it was something I needed to try. Imagine a little three year old out in the chill morning picking up a hammer in order to pound on some nails. Now, whether is was my little imagination or whether He was really there no one can know, but my memory says that He was there with me - helping me be content by myself - understanding that I was not truly alone. So then began my second passion - my relationship with God through knowing Jesus. It has not always been an easy relationship. No, coming to a true understanding about what unconditional love REALLY is ... well, it was hard to see that it wasn't always pretty and rarely like a fairy tale.
I have newer passions in my life. Those will come in later posts. If you are my friend you know that I am passionate about TRUTH and righting wrongs. Thank you again Mark, for sharing the fire - I needed some poking.
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