Sunday, December 31, 2017

New Year's Eve 2017

Originally written on August 3, 2017 at 1:55 AM

Tonight I must write and write - write all that is inside me waiting to come out.

I dream,
To see the world - to know its flavors and smells.
To dine al fresco in Italy or take a tour of the fountains in Rome.
Go down under to New Zealand and Australia.
Find a tiny island to disappear to for at least a month or two.
Climb a mountain or two and fish from a boat.

So much to do. So much to see. So much to learn and explore.

My mind is rarely quiet.
To finally give in to sleep I listen to the tone, ringing in my ears.
The ringing serves as a kind of built in white noise machine. Handy.

None of us are perfect. We aren't supposed to be.
To overcome our struggles and find a new way to live.
Opening our hearts once again to Joy and Love.
All I want is to be a beacon of Peace.

To replace war and killing with words and hugs, or at least a warm handshake or two.
War is not inevitable or necessary.
Peace can not be achieved through violent means.
The Elite have had their time to play.
They have pillaged this world of everything they could and it was still not enough.

Now, WE, the Awakened, see them in their shadows and their fortresses.
We see the corruption and greed and the suffering it causes all across the globe.
Playtime is over for them. They must move forward in Love.
If not, they will perish and their souls will be recycled back into All That Is.

But first, they will give another their spark.

They will pull it from their soul and hand it to another.

The recipient will hold that spark in memory of the other's conscious human experiences.

In 2002, I received the spark of another while living in Menomonee Falls.
There was zero understanding at the time. I knew only what I saw.

A seated Being - old, humped, and wizened.
From its heart a gem floated out, covered in darkness.
The Being was surrounded by many of its Brothers and Sisters.

I knew none of them.

As the gem floated across the room towards me, it started to shine and the darkness fell away.

Without thought or hesitation, I allowed it into my chest, to connect with my soul's heart.

The being raised a finger, perhaps in warning or maybe just a salute of sorts.
Then they all melted away and I was alone again wondering what had just happened.

Now, all these years later, I have a better understanding of the Big Picture.
Everything is ready. The stage is set.
The last few hold outs are being pulled from their lairs.
Nowhere to hide their darkness and corruption.
The Light shines where only dark once reigned.

It was a choice of honor. Of stubbornness. Of exhaustion.

To adapt to change or die. This Being chose to die.
I understand that now.
To have their Being reduced back into star dust.
The ultimate recycling program. New life from the old.

But Why?

Maybe they saw a strength in me that I hadn't found yet.

Perhaps there was a debt to be repaid.

Eventually, the cycle of Karma ends because we choose for it to.

Because we decide to choose Love over Fear.

Fear is a powerful tool. It is easy to enslave an ignorant population with fear.
This tactic has worked in our patriarchal societies for millennium.

But no more. We, the Awakened, reject fear and all its forms of damaging emotions.

Greed. Lust. Anger. Hatred. Bigotry. Jealousy. Fear. Fear. Fear.

False Evidence Appearing Real.

Question everything and everyone.
Do not be satisfied by hearing only one side of the story.
We expand our perspectives and our awareness when we practice empathy and compassion.

For this lifetime, we are sharing, is an especially exciting one.

The rate of change and adaptation has accelerated at an exponential rate.
We are all racing to catch up and adapt to the latest greatest electronic gadget.

What an amazing time we live in. To see the change that will occur in the next 50 years.
What will we see? What will we do? Will the human race survive and for how long?

As for me, I am working to reintegrate all the splinters of my soul.
It is a strange and arduous task.

And Karma. Dear, darling Karma. Guess what I figured out. Karma is not in control.

We are.

No longer do I create new Karma and work to resolve all other karma from my past lives.

We all live many lives here on Earth, if we so choose, and the goal is always to find Love.
To find happiness. To find Joy. To create our own Heaven here on Earth.

The experiences of wealth, poverty, royalty, servitude, murderer, victim, etc. are felt by us all.
We must acknowledge and forgive ourselves for our past life mistakes.
Regret and guilt are an absolute waste of our valuable emotional resources.

My suggestion is to replace regret with gratitude and guilt with forgiveness.

Only by giving ourselves absolution can we end the cycle of judging others.
This world needs more encourages - more hugs - more smiles.
Every smile, to every stranger, makes a positive difference.

We are all part of the change we wish to see in our New World.
To forgive and release our past sins and love ourselves in spite of the past.

This is no easy matter. No easy task.
To change our habits - our culture - our society - our world - begins with each of us.

Fear can not rule and control us if we do not allow it to do so.
We are not blind.

With the creation of the internet, ignorance became a choice.
There is not always a simple easy answer.

Most of us are not all good or all evil but a mixture of both.

Regardless of our choices, there are always two Truths that will remain:
Change and Love. For Love is the Engine of Creation, and Change is fuel that keeps Life going.
We must adapt to change or perish. We must love ourselves and others or we will perish.

The Truth of the matter is that, in the end, Love always wins.

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